Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oh yes... Today was amazing :)

Today was one of the greatest days I've had in awhile! It was Thursday.. You know what that means! Homelink! So, when I got to yearbook, I made mariah draw me a unicorn, and then I colored it! :D After that... It was break time at homelink! you know what that means... Crazy stuff is about to happen! So.... I saw Mikayla sitting over  in a corner by herself... Soooo.... I went over there, and COMPLETELY changed her life. Ya. It happened. Sooo... it took ALL DAY, but I finally got her out of her "shy bubble" as I like to call it. so, we went up to photography, and I told Mikayla that I was gonna try to get her cousin Brittany out of her Shy Bubble... Needless to say... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. So, as a class, we all went outside, and walked down the sidewalk to take pictures! Tons of stuff happened! For instance... Britt almost got killed AND sent to jail! I bet that's just her average day though... hahaha :)   so I got to know them two a lot better. Now, on the way back up to homelink, I was singing really loudly... It. was. the as Staci would say. Now, on the way back to homelink, me and this girl named Carolyn just randomly started talking... I have NO clue how it happened... Well, turns out she though I was 16 or 17... NOPE. Not yet! Sorry Carolyn! So ya... She's cool :) she's my Forest Gump buddy! :D   so after that excitement... I went home... Did some chores and school... and just had a lazy day the rest of the day :) OH! And I got to see Staci today!  
And also, when I got home, I got to talk to Cassandra... So... Life is good. And is also very average most of the time... And it's my average life! The Average life of Tyler :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lalalala! Today was... Boring! Tomorrow... Won't be!

Ewwww.... Today was just boring... School... that's about it.. But I did end up watching the new show Terra Nova! And a show called New Girl... That was pretty hilarious... Oh! And person of interest! That was really good! Anyway... Enough about my day... How 'bout yours?? oh crap.... I forgot... This ain't facebook.... You can't answer my questions... oh well... hmmmm.... I took some pictures with the new camera! It's REALLY good :)  and I got The Hunger Games. Oh. My. Goodness. Golly. Gee. That book is... AWESOME. Go read it! NOW. Later in the day I got to talked to my super awesomely epic friend sage! And my super duper amazing friend Cassandra! Well, tomorrow I'm gonna attempt to talk to the shyest person at Homelink! Brittany! We'll see how that goes.. I already told her I was crazy.. :P   Ugh.. I haven't played ANY video games in the past couple days... Which surprises me... lol. It's like a stress reliever for me... Anyway... about me... hmmm... Well, here is something... You guys already know this about me... But I'm not afraid to be myself. I'm not gonna try to act cool for anyone. If you want me to, sucks for you! I was born this way :) lol. Lady Gaga reference... For the win! so ya.... I'm not all tough and crap like that... I may or may not wait in line for 6 hours until midnight in front of a gamestop. I may or may not go to tournaments, do my best, and be good at it. I may or may not be a freakin' level 70 tenth prestige. But hey. I'm me.  Goodnight people. PEACE!

Adventures in dating a Junior....

So, this summer, I met this awesome girl. We got talkin', and pretty much fell for each other instantly. After two weeks, I asked her out... I knew she was a Junior, and she had JUST found out I was a sophmore/freshman (I missed the mark by 2 months!). So ya.... It was fun. Used the "l" word... Bad idea. We broke up a few weeks after that.. Distance reasons. We didn't really get to see each other that much. Ya know.... It's really weird... I don't think I've EVER been with someone younger than me... I have no clue why though... oh well! So ya! That was my daytime story of the day! Can't wait to post tonight! PEACE!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

So...I figure it's time to post...

Well, today was slightly more than awesome :) I less than three Tuesdays. It started out with a very very boring drive to Homelink... And then... I got there... DUN DUN DUN! Anyway... Me and Kellin were lab partners... We failed miserably.. :P We didn't really get any results! oh well... After that, me and Kellin went to the two different tables new people were sitting at, and I think we successfully creeped them out :D Mission accomplished. Next, I went to spanish.. Oh joy... At the end, we played a game... My sister beat me.. It was bad... Anyway, next class, Lighting Lit... Took LOTS of notes, and learned how rich people eat asparagus! Apparently there are these things called asparagus tongs... The cheapest ones you can find are $1,000... Only rich snobs... After that, I went to the mall with Staci, Kalli, Calvin, Mariah, Cami, and Morgan! That was fun :) Staci wouldn't talk to me for a while! I almost died! But I didn't. And we also found out that I looked slightly okay in a beanie... I tried it on, we set it down, and then couldn't find it ANYWHERE! I was sad..  And then ate chicken teryaki... And I came home, and talked to my epicly awesome friend Sage and my amazing friend Cassandra! I also talked to my mom/sister Staci! Yes. I did just blog my whole day. DEAL WITH IT.
Okay, so I think every night, I'm gonna just be posting something about myself, so you guys can get to know me better. Hmmm... I gotta good one! Today, I realized, I'm different from most guys when it comes to girls.. I'm not trying to sound overly prideful or anything though!  But, just to let you know... If you're a girl, I'll try to be as nice as humanly possible to you. I don't look at you guys as objects, or prizes. You guys (most of you) are really great people. And I absolutely hate it when guys treat you like crap. You guys deserve better. If you ask me to do something to help you, I'll try to help. If you guys need someone to talk to, I'll always listen. If you need me to punch someone in the face for you, well, I'll try my hardest not to get beat up. :P   What you see is what you get. No two face. No acting. Just me. And that's one of the only things I like in a girl. When she knows how to be herself. And not try to act perfect. Truth is. No one is perfect. So don't try to be. Be YOURSELF. Don't worry about what other people think. Don't be too into yourself either... That's NOT attractive. So ya... I may not be super buff, or play sports all the time, or look like Taylor Lautner. But I'm ME. And I care about you guys. My name is... Tyler Schneider. And this, is my average life. :) Good night!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Today was just.... Bad.. :( Except the end :)

Nothing exciting at all happened to me today... It was a day FILLED with the homework that I procrastinated to do all week... Lots of Lit, Spanish, and LOTS of Biology.. It was terrible.... I had this last minute lab to do.. And didn't have the stuff to do it.. until 10:15 tonight.. I guess it's kinda my fault though... The lab is now complete though. :) Not the report though.. Just the lab.. I also lost my spanish quiz! I can't find it anywhere! I'm thinking a friend was in my backpack and just thought it was a random piece of paper, so they threw it out.. :/   Oh well... OH! And the online spanish stuff isn't working for me either.. I'm SO behind.. I guess I just have to suck it up though.. Hopefully I won't procrastinate this week. In fact.... I WON'T. :) So, I waited ALL DAY to talk to my friend Cassandra, and finally, I got to. So that was definitely the highlight of my day :)  So, pretty much, to sum my day up... It was a boring, pain in the butt, with an amazing reward at the end. This is, the average life of Tyler :) P.S. I'm really excited to see everyone at homelink tomorrow! :D

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The people that get me through life. And my intro =D

Here I am... Bored out of my mind... But my awesome friend Staci (her real name is Anastasia) gave me an idea.... she told me I should make a blog! So... I did... First, I'll let you guys know everyone who is in my life!

Mom- I'm pretty sure this one is simple enough to figure out... She gave birth to me. :)

Kalli- hmmm.... She's like a sister to me... I couldn't get through life without her!

Yuka- She IS my sister. She's awesome.

Ms. Heidi- This lady is like a second mom to me! I get to obsess over Monster and Modern Family with her!

Anastasia- My Big Bang Theory buddy! I can talk to her about anything. She makes me laugh :)

Brendan- My super awesome skater friend. He has a secret nerdy side... I know it! haha

Kellin- hmmm.... Don't know how to describe this kid... He's in the circus!

Sage- My new friend! She's pretty awesome! It's fun talking to her! 

Robb- My awesome uncle who tries to be cool. haha he is though! 

Charlie- My dad! He's pretty cool :)  
Doug- My awesome friend that's moving and I'm gonna miss him :(

Keaton- The brother of Kellin. This kid is a nerd. But tries to act cool. haha :)

Joey- OH MY GOSH! THIS GUY IS AWESOME! But I don't get to see him that much :(

Cassandra- I just met her, but she seems pretty amazing so far :)

Ricky- The country boy, model, marine, down home american, gamer! He's EPIC.

Stephen #1- The awesome youth leader at our church! Did I mention he is awesome?? :)

Stephen #2- The 2nd of a family of 15 kids! He's kinda a nerd... But a different kind. AWESOME

Abby- She's like a sister to me! I love her so much!  I can't wait to see her next year at CYIA!

Liyang- My chinese sister :) haha,Wo ai ta :) Scott pilgrim buddy!

Mrs. Musick- My awesome Lighting Lit teacher!

Mrs. Hummel- The crazy Biology teacher! She's awesome though!

Mrs. Steen- my absolutely outstanding Spanish teacher! :)

Stephanie- Mrs. Steen's awesome and crazy daughter!

Eric- Okay... Emo haircut.. totally not emo person. haha, he's like my brother. This kid is awesome.

Courtney- Eric's girlfriend who I've known since I was 8! she's awesome too! Best couple ever. :)

Calvin- Oh calvin... Nuff' said...

Christy- My super amazing friend that I can tell anything to, but hardly ever talk to!

Michael Sust- The guy that inspires me the most! One of the greatest guys ever!

Michelle-The ginger that is epic. Still think about her sometimes. She's pretty awesome!

Christopher- This kid is CRAZY. But he's extremely awesome! I've known him since I was 10.. or 9..

I'll add more people as I think of them! This is just the beginning.. I'm gonna bring you guys a new blog every night... I'm Tyler. I'm kind of a nerd, and I love my family. Believe it or not, I care about people more than myself. I'm not a sports buff.. In fact.. I don't really play sports unless it's for fun. I wait in line for video games. I win tournaments. And I have awesome friends. If i'm ever with a girl, I do my best to respect her and care for her. I am... Tyler Schneider. And this is my blog. :)